Friday, October 26, 2007

Silly Chatelaine

I go to the gym to do cardio five days a week, and a major part of what makes it so tolerable is the ability to read magazines while exercising. However, this poses a bit of a problem... I need to read 1 entire magazine per 30 minute workout. This means that I need to have 20 magazines to read PER MONTH. I don't mind reading older magazines, but there is nothing worse than reading the same magazine over and over again. My gym is not particularly good about their magazine selection, either. For some reason there seem to only be copies of Lou Lou, the New York Times Magazine, and Wired. You would think they would have a few fitness magazines, but evidently not. I guess they figure that their audience consists of compulsive shoppers, those interested in primarily American news, and techies.

At any rate, today I discovered a magazine I hadn't yet seen, so I hopped all over the chance to breeze through it. Honestly, I was pretty desperate for reading material. The magazine? Chatelaine. Now, I am CLEARLY not the target demographic for this particular magazine. It seems to be targeting middle aged women living in your stereotypical nuclear family type of situation. However, I did manage to find something that appealed to me... recipes! One of the activities I recently discovered is cooking; I'm a vegetarian, and people tend to think that we eat only salad, so I find it satisfying to come across creative vegetarian recipes that blow my friends away.

Chatelaine basically just served as a gateway to "," the site I am now joining in order to acquire free recipes. I feel so... domestic. But how can I resist 21 of their "hottest" pasta recipes!?

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