Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Reciprocal Hag Relationships

Even when I was a "straight girl," I never really had any desire to engage in any form of Fag Haggery. I don't know what it is, but stereotypical gay males just don't appeal to me. I've never found myself wanting to take a gay man shopping with me (as if gay men just naturally know what to buy when shopping...), or chat with a gay man about how cuuuuuute boys are (barf). Now it seems like women are actually encouraged to get "their own" gay man... and of course, should they accidentally fall in love with their very own gay man, they can purchase a book such as "Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys: True Tales of Love, Lust, and Friendship Between Straight Women and Gay Men." One can even take the "Are You a Fabulous Fag Hag?" Test. Clearly Fag Haggery is at its all-time peak.

But what about lesbians? Why don't we get hags? Surely lesbians must be good enough at something so important that straight men would want to hang around with us. Oh yeah, I forgot, they just want to watch us have sex. My bad.

After coming out, I did end up meeting a lot of gay men. Hanging out in a queer space all the time will do that to you. I ended up meeting one particular gay man, Trybaby, who I now consider to be one of my best friends. However, this poses an interesting question to me... have Trybaby and I developed a form of reciprocal hag relationship? Is it possible for a lesbian to be a hag, or is the role of hag limited to straight girls? At the same time, is it possible that lesbians can in fact have hags in the form of a gay man?

I still am not completely sure.

But anyway, if you want to take a stab at Fag Haggery, you may want to check out Ellen Forney's "How To Be a Fabulous Fag Hag" Comic.

1 comment:

sleepyboy said...

HAH I didn't know that we had this relationship but I'm glad we do now. I think we are clearly the perfect example of how gays and lesbians can come together and function in harmony. We should teach a workshop.