I'm sort of in this awkward position right now regarding how I will behave in this blog... I would say I am generally a pretty nice person... I'm open-minded, queer positive, very liberal, non-judgmental for the MOST part. However, who the hell wants to read someone's lovey dovey happy journal? I certainly don't. I mean, sure I have several people on my Livejournal Friend's list that are really sugary sweet and I think they are great, but who am I kidding.... the best people to have on your blog are people who are angry! Bitter! Bitchy! Dramatic! Drama in media appears for a reason... people want to see it...
Not that I am considering writing about the drama in my personal life. Hell no. I have no interest in even opening that can of worms on this blog (heh, that's what Livejournal is for!). However, I am sort of torn between being my regular, nice self and whether or not I should unleash my inner fury... all my bitterness and judgment, sprinkled with a bit of feminist anger.
Is the internet ready for it?
Oh Venus... how will you be born?
I think that you should feel free on here to express your opinions, interests, struggles and views. Anything you like, just don't get too personal?? I mean if you have LJ to do that then make this one different. Maybe go the entertaining route?
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